"Hi lennard!
I wanted to share one of our latest projects, a labor of love. The Build (thebuildfilm.com) is a new interactive short film that looks at storytelling in a different way, by combining film with emerging web technologies. The story captures the values and culture of the motorcycle builder community in Portland, from the perspective of three independent bike builders.
Instrument’s goal with The Build was to blend design and technology in groundbreaking ways. It pairs traditional filmmaking with new school interactive and social experiences that push the envelope of browser technologies like webGL and HTML5 video. In short, we crafted a site that plays web video and includes heaps of animation without using any Flash.
Hope you enjoy the film experience!"
Thanks Thor!
Just watched it all(I think)
This is very cool! Great video experience. Watched it on a 24 inch screen. Brilliant. What a nice footage. That last shot with the traffic going true the hills ending with the stars lighting up in the sky is probably one of the most beautiful shots I've seen in a long time. I was WOWing out loud, ha.
Click here to see this next level film, and if you can, take your time and watch it on a very big screen.
I promise you, you wont regret it.