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We've booked 4 killer live acts
18.00 March (tijdens de mini ramp skate jam)
21.00 Black Marble Selection
22.00 Bartek
23.00 Tony Clifton
Going Nowhere - Motor Music Madness. Presented by the Rusty Gold Motorshop and Brixton. A FREE custom and classic motorcycle extravaganza with invited builders, wild music, mini indoor obstacle race and great food & drinks. The centre of the show is you and your sexy bike.
The perfect place to hang with your buddies, make new friends, break your neck in the indoor the skateboard semi bowl, brag about your new motorcycle projects, and going nuts at night. Write it down! 24th of June, SkateCafe Amsterdam. Maybe you and your killer bike will go home with one of our stupid awards. 12.00 till late. Bring your friends! We hope to see you all on the 24th of June!
Deze zaterpdag 24 juni organiseren we voor het eerst de motor music madness motorshow Going Nowhere in het skate cafe! Bikeshow, minibike obstacle race, live bands, skate jam, lekker eten en GRATIS entree! Programering van de bands;
18.00 March (tijdens de mini ramp skate jam)
21.00 Black Marble Selection
22.00 Bartek
23.00 Tony Clifton
Volg @goingnowhereamsterdam en onze facebook event page voor meer info en updates!