I think 80 percent of the day the sun was shining yesterday.
Thank you Cruise-Inn for giving us the perfect spot to organise Rusty Gold 2012.
We did not have the time to count all the people that showed up but our estimate is that 4 or 5 hundred people found their way to Rusty Gold :)
There was lots of cool stuff for sale, great food, nice people, cool rides.
Good stuff, we are happy.
Thanks everyone who helped us to organise this day.
Thanks Sideburn magazine for sending the Tees and Magazines.
A big thank to you from Zoran, the Cruise-Inn, Roest Sidewalk Mechanics Amsterdam and me.
Here is the first selection of pictures I took yesterday with my new toy.
A Sony Nex-5n with 18-55mm kit lens.
Still need to learn a lot but some of these pics are really nice.
Next year I need to split myself in 3 pieces so I have the time to talk to every one, see everything and stay at my booth so I can actually sell my stuff, ha!
Much more will follow.