13 Dec 2016


And the last one from the CHIRIHAMA SAND FLATS SPEEDWAY 2016 

Pics from Funny Custom.
Much more on the Funny Custom Blog

Bali #1

After the 4 days in Shanghai, our trip continued in Bali. Bali is a beautiful and spiritual Island, mostly Hindu. Every village has at least 3 temples and in some parts of Bali every street has his own temple..! So it probably wasn't a unique feature that the first Airbnb place we stayed at was build around it's own small temple :) ( first picture )

The custom scene in the city's of Bali is huge. I think I've never seen so much custom bikes on the streets before, in any city. Most of them have a similar style. 125 or 200 cc engine, 90% of them are Honda's with fat vintage tyres, a small vintage gas tank, blacked out frame and engine, short thin seat, wide bars, small headlight, and they are loud, sometimes very loud!

The whole island seems to be absolutely obsessed with Harley Davidson. Honda's covered in HD stickers in not a rare sight. The guy's that are selling Harley stickers must make a fortune. Trucks, cars, bikes, buses, SUV's, all ride around with huge Harley stickers and you can buy Harley shirts almost everywhere. Real Harley's are rare sight. I've seen 4 of them in 4 weeks, that's not a lot compared to the 10 thousands of motorised 2 wheelers we've saw in Bali.

November is the beginning of the rainy season in Bali. We maybe had 4 days with heavy rain during the day. It rained more often but most of the time in the evening or at night and only for a small period of time. Every day the sun was shining a lot and it was crazy hot compared to what I'm used to in the Netherlands, ha. 30 to 36 degrees but it felt much hotter. The humidity was intense at times. The best place to be during the day is on a scooter, with the wind in your face, so that's what we did, and the rest of Bali it seemed.

We've travelled a lot during our 4 weeks but Bali is rather large so we've just seen a glimpse of the whole Island. Here is Bali part 1, more to follow.