The 2015 Kawasaki Ninja H2R - Official Video Introduction

I can't ignore this. The next generation of superbikes are going to be insane. Beautiful shot introduction video from Team Green. What's next? Watch it fullscreen!

Streetracker - Maxwell Paternoster - Zaeta

Raffaele Paolucci shot some very nice pictures of the Ornamental Conifer and Maxwell Paternoster's painted Zaeta's.
Here's the one from Maxwell Paternoster.

Check Raffaele's Streetracker blog for much more

Streetracker - Ornamental Conifer - Zaeta

Raffaele Paolucci shot some very nice pictures of the Ornamental Conifer and Maxwell Paternoster's painted Zaeta's.
Here's the one from Ornamental Conifer.

Check Raffaele's Streetracker blog for much more