16 Apr 2012

Wheels and Waves

from SouthSiders MC:

"Following up on the huge success of the Southsiders evening at the ‘113’ in Toulouse, attended by friends from home and abroad, this year’s event will be staged in the prestigious surroundings of the Chateau de Brindos, a 5-Star Hotel located in Biarritz in the Basque country.

Our weekend begins on Friday 15 June morning With the exhibition
followed by an auction at 1.30 pm of motorcycles, classic and custom cars, automotive collectables and pieces of art. The auction has been initiated by Vincent Lassere of Bixente Moto with sales going under the hammer of local auctioneer Marie Francoise Carayol.
After the auction a small ride will be organised thru the french Basque country

the Southsiders evening commences at 7pm in magnificent surroundings, the stage of an exhibition «Waves & Wheels» featuring the work of twelve international artists sharing the Automotive and Surf theme, alongside a reunion of outstanding cars and motorcycles. Our friend and partner TBC Triumph, a Triumph dealership in Biarritz, will also be presenting a ‘special’ for the occasion. On Saturday after a ride and drive around the Basque country in France and Spain, a second party has been organised in partnership with BLITZKRIEG MACHINES"

El Solitario MC invited me to be part of this great event, thanks guys!
This is going to be so nice. Looking forward to it :)
Oh and I have to say that's very sexy looking flyer Steven Burke! And no, that's not how you spell my last name. One N and Two U's :)
Check the Wheels and Waves site or the Southsiders MC blog for updates

Als er Nederlanders zijn die het leuk lijken om mee te gaan stuur dan een mailtje dan kunnen we wat afsprken van te voren.


  1. Wish I could make it. Have an awesome time and take plenty of photos!

  2. I will do that fo shizzle my man :)

  3. Pffff i need to go here so bad...

  4. Poeh, lijkt me wel vet om ook heen te gaan. Toch eens kijken wat we kunnen regelen met het thuisfront!!
