28 Apr 2012

Rock Solid Motorcycles

2011 Bubble mail:

Hi Lennard!

My name's Hugo and I used to live in London working for Nick Gale Customs as a bike builder and
I've sent you pictures of the London Custom Bike Show  and other stuff in the past, I hope you remember me.

I'm now back home, in sunny Portugal working with my brother and we've got a new(ish) blog.
Things are still rolling slowly, we're building the workshop slowly with the little money we saved in England so there's no finished bikes so far, but lots of projects. All this for the love of motorcycles.

Please have a look at it and if you choose to use any pictures on bubble visor, we would be very happy."

Sorry Hugo for taking so long, my mail inbox is a mess.
Great skills, very nice stuff. Thanks dude!