4 Oct 2010

Wrench Monkee # 25

Van bubble visor

Wrench Monkees finished Wrench Monkee # 25!

more details will probably follow on their web site.
the Swiss cheese details are nice.
nice clean tail light and the tyre choice is great.
the Norton engine is piece of art...
see more of the Wrench Monkees here
Van bubble visor

Van bubble visor

Van bubble visor

Van bubble visor

Van bubble visor

Van bubble visor

Van bubble visor


  1. The real highlight of this bike for me is that leather battery box. So amazing...

  2. forgot to uploud that picture...
    it's great detail.
    I had the same idea for my cb400f

    see this post

  3. whats with the Tank?
    its a norton for God's sake.
